The delegation of the Ministry of Natural Resources takes part in the International Conference in Dushanbe

    Environment 17 May 2023 1613

    On May 16, the official opening of the "Central Asian Conference on Climate Change" (CACIC-2023) took place. The event is attended by delegations from Central Asian countries, including the delegation of the Ministry of Natural Resources headed by the Head of the Minister's Secretariat Kadamboy Saitov.

    The conference is organized in cooperation with the Central Asian Regional Environmental Center, the Committee for Environmental Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan, PROGREEN and the Water and Energy Program for Central Asia (CAWEP).

    At the event, Chairman of the Committee on the Development of the Aral Sea region and Ecology of the Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Boris Alikhanov made a report online at the plenary session on "Climate change and progress in Central Asia".

    During the conference, Deputy Director of the Hydrometeorological Service Agency under the Ministry of Natural Resources Ibratzhan Karimov took part in the panel session "National policy, strategy and programs for climate change mitigation and adaptation", where he made a presentation on the implementation of the country's obligations under the Paris Agreement. In addition, he presented a report at the parallel session "Climate transparency, reporting and auditing in Central Asia".

    It is worth noting that this conference has become a platform for a regional multilateral dialogue, which serves to further strengthen cooperation between the Central Asian states.

    The conference will last until May 17.