The execution of tasks aimed at exalting human honor and dignity considered

    Uzbekistan 7 April 2022 4066

    On April 7, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference on improving internal roads, and landscaping within the framework of the “Yashil Makon” (Green Space) national project, simplifying the provision of public services.

    The Head of the state stressed that all three tasks included in the agenda of the meeting are aimed at exalting human honor and dignity, ensuring the well-being of people.

    The condition of internal roads is one of the most disturbing problems for the population. The relevance of the issue is evidenced by the fact that 20 thousand proposals were received from citizens on this issue on the Initiative Budget portal, which is 25 percent of the total number of appeals.

    A new experiment to improve the quality of internal roads has been launched in Andijan region. Cement-producing enterprises have organized a cluster. It covered 23 kilometers of roads with a cement-concrete mix in 31 remote mahallas.

    The use of cement instead of asphalt saved 600 million UZS during construction and $350 thousand on the import of bitumen. Most importantly, the cluster has committed itself to maintain the roads it has built for 10 years.

    Taking into account this experience, the task was set to build 2.3 thousand kilometers of cement-concrete internal roads in Karakalpakstan and the regions.

    According to calculations, by the end of this year, domestic cement production will reach 18 million tons. This will fully meet the internal needs.

    In general, to support the activities of road clusters, imported equipment for the construction of roads with cement concrete pavement will be exempt from customs duties and recycling fees from May 1 to the end of the year.

    In addition, this year it is planned to build 670 kilometers of pedestrian and bicycle paths in regional centers and cities. It was noted that they should also have a cement-concrete coating, special attention should be paid to the drainage system while designing them.

    At the meeting on February 2, plans were determined for planting 125 million seedlings during the spring season as part of the nationwide project “Yashil Makon”. The heads of the state committees on Ecology and Environmental Protection, Forestry and hokimiyats reported on the work carried out in this direction.

    It was noted that it is necessary to plant trees and poplar cuttings in each mahalla, education institutions, along canals and roads. It was emphasized that the experience of uniform cultivation of fruit and ornamental trees under the age of 5 years, started in Tashkent, should be extended to other cities.

    The state of laying new irrigation systems and drilling wells within the framework of the “Yashil Makon” project was also considered.

    Following the agenda of the meeting, issues of simplification of the provision and expansion of public services were discussed. Further tasks have been identified to improve the convenience of receiving such services.

    In particular, from July 1 this year, the requirement to approve an electronic signature for 38 types of public services will be canceled and will be carried out using a mobile phone. The requirements for obtaining 6 types of licenses will also be canceled. An electronic notification system for more than 8 services will be introduced for the population and entrepreneurs. The procedure for demanding 32 types of documents and certificates from the population and entrepreneurs of municipal organizations will be canceled. Children from low-income families will be exempt from paying fees to participate in university entrance exams.

    In general, by the end of the next year, the number of services provided through public service centers will increase from the current 172 to 300, and those provided through a mobile application – from 60 to 250.

    Instructions were given for the construction of public service centers in the regions.