China's Ruisu plans to produce electric filling stations in Ferghana

    Industry 30 October 2023 2665

    The Chinese company Ruisu intends to produce charging stations for electric vehicles in the Fergana region, the press service of the khokimiyat of the region reports.

    On October 28, Khokim of the Fergana region Khairullo Bozorov discussed with a representative of the Chinese company Ruisu Michael Chen an investment project for the production of charging equipment for electric cars in the region.

    Until the completion of the construction of the enterprise, Ruisu will establish short-term production in the buildings it rents.

    To do this, Bozorov offered a Chinese company to lease vacant facilities in Ferghana, Kuvasai and Kokand.

    Ruisu CEO will arrive in Fergana this week to continue negotiations on the implementation of the investment project.