Ministry of Energy: expanding opportunities for the purchase of renewable energy installations

    Energy 12 August 2022 1812

    A general agreement has been signed between the intersectoral Energy Saving Fund under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Halk Bank JSCB, providing for the issuance of "green" consumer loans to the population for the purchase of energy-saving and renewable energy sources at the expense of the Fund.

    The agreement was signed by Elzod Rakhmanov, Executive Director of the Intersectoral Energy Saving Fund under the Ministry of Energy, and Dilshod Kutliev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of “Народный банк”.

    At the same time, "green" consumer loans are issued for a period of five years.

    According to the press service of the Ministry of Energy, "green" consumer loans will help meet the growing demand of the population for energy resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the environment.