Powerful magnetic storms will hit the Earth in March

    Healthcare 1 March 2024 2031

    Scientists at the Laboratory of Solar Astronomy say that about 20-30 storms will occur in 2024, of which 15% may reach maximum values. Experts explain this by the approach of the peak of the 11-year cycle of solar activity.

    Several magnetic storms of varying strength will hit the Earth in March as a result of solar activity. Experts told us which days will be the most dangerous.

    In March, weak magnetic storms are predicted on the 2nd-4th. They will have the strongest impact on people with poor health. Others may experience insomnia and decreased appetite.

    Medium-strength magnetic storms will hit the Earth on March 21-22 and March 27-28. Their negative impact, first of all, will be felt by weather-dependent people.

    Powerful magnetic storms, which are expected on March 9 and 10, as well as on March 17 and 18, can affect the health of people, even those who have not complained about it before. Power surges in the network and disruptions in the operation of equipment are also possible.

    To reduce the negative impact of magnetic storms on the body, on "critical" days it is worth giving up intense loads, avoiding stress, eating right, taking vitamins and giving up bad habits.