A solar power plant with a capacity of 600 kW has been launched at the Bukhara Oil Refinery

    Energy 26 July 2023 2941

    Bukhara Oil Refinery continues to install solar panels for its needs.

    A solar power plant with a capacity of 600 kW has been built in the newly built parking lot of the plant.

    In the period from the beginning of this year to June, 1,500 solar panels were installed. In a month, these solar panels generate about 200,000 kW of electricity.

    It is planned to install another 600 solar panels by the end of the year. This will generate about 3,000 kWh of additional electricity.

    Due to solar energy, part of the administrative buildings of the plant is provided with electricity.

    In addition, solar water heaters are installed to provide buildings with hot water, the press service of Uzbekneftegaz JSC reports.

    The introduction of energy-saving technologies will increase not only the environmental, but also the economic efficiency of the plant.

    For information: In 2022, 170 solar panels with a total capacity of 85 kW were installed at the plant's production facilities.