On my.gov.uz a service for obtaining accurate information about buildings and structures has been launched

    Digitalization 9 March 2023 3093

    Now, with the help of this service, citizens of the republic can get a certificate of ownership and composition of buildings and structures without leaving home.

    The certificate will contain the following information about buildings and structures:

    • location address;
    • cadastral number;
    • residential or non-residential premises;
    • total area;
    • copyright holder (owners);
    • types of rights to buildings and structures;
    • name, number, date of the title document;
    • availability of restrictions;
    • cadastral value.

    The result will be presented automatically, and a help with a QR code will be created.

    The cost of the service with a discount is 13,500 soums.

    For reference: now you can use my.gov.uz not only 24 hours a day, but also contact the call center (1242) 24 hours / 7 days with various questions and suggestions.