What documents needed to provide for admission to the university?

    Education 29 May 2023 1898

    According to the legislation, applicants apply to Public Service Centers to receive public services for receiving documents for admission to higher educational institutions or register for the EPIGU (my.gov.uz) to receive a public service in electronic form.

    Applicants with benefits, as well as stateless persons and those who have not reached passport age, apply to the Centers to receive public services.

    When an applicant applies in person by an employee of the Center on behalf of the applicant through a special program, information is entered into the system of the State Testing Center in electronic form, and in the case of an application through the EPIGU, it is entered by the applicant independently.

    In order for the Center's employee to enter the relevant information into the questionnaire, the applicant provides the Center's employee with the originals of the following documents:

    • passport of a citizen (certificate with personal identification number of an individual, series and passport number in form 09, issued by the departments of internal affairs);
    • birth certificate for persons under passport age;
    • a document confirming the completion of general secondary education (based on grades 11) or a specialized secondary, vocational educational institution (with an appendix);
    • a document confirming the right of applicants to benefits in accordance with the procedure established by the regulatory legal acts of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers.

    It is strictly prohibited to make additions and changes to the questionnaire after the deadline for receiving documents.

    It is prohibited to require additional documents from the applicant, according to the Ministry of Justice.