The tourism potential of Uzbekistan is shown on Russian TV channels

    Tourism 10 May 2023 2574

    With the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the next issue of the program "The Life of Others" of the Russian TV channel "Channel One", which has a wide audience, was dedicated to Uzbekistan.

    The creative group of the "Life of Others" program held a conversation with representatives of various spheres working in our country, including employees of the internal affairs bodies, athletes, artists, representatives of public utilities, and also took pictures of historical sights of Tashkent.

    The host of the TV program "The Life of others", Ukrainian TV presenter and director Janna Badoeva tells the audience about the life of ordinary foreigners.

    In particular, she makes videos about the historical and tourist destinations of the city, traditions and customs, lifestyle of local residents, cuisine, family expenses, wages, standard of living in the city, hospitals, kindergartens, monthly utility bills and the lives of pensioners.