The population of Uzbekistan has exceeded 37.3 million people

    In focus 25 October 2024 783

    According to the data provided by the Statistics Agency, the permanent population as of October 1, 2024 amounted to more than 37.3 million people, including 18.8 million men and 18.5 million women.

    19 million Uzbekistanis live in cities, and 18.3 million people live in rural areas. Compared to the same period last year, the permanent population of our country increased by 2.1%.

    At the same time, as of January 1, 2024, the average age of an Uzbek is only 28.5 years old, and an Uzbek woman is 30 years old, which indicates the youth and dynamism of the country's population. At the beginning of the year, the share of the working-age population of Uzbekistan was estimated at 56.4%.

    High population growth rates create both new opportunities and challenges for Uzbekistan. On the one hand, it expands the domestic market, stimulates economic growth and provides labor. On the other hand, it requires significant investments in education, health, infrastructure and social programs to meet the growing needs of the population.