President: A well-read, skillful, professional person will always be appreciated

    Uzbekistan 13 October 2021 5003

    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the “Ishga Markhamat” monocenter in the city of Navoi.

    The center was created in accordance with the resolution of the Head of the state on August 11, 2020 “On additional measures aimed at attracting entrepreneurship, increasing labor activity and vocational training of poor and unemployed citizens, as well as ensuring employment of the population”. Here, training is organized based on the requirements of the market for about thirty professions in services, construction, agriculture and technology. Educational and practical classes are equipped with the necessary equipment, computers, and other equipment.

    The Head of the state watched the practical exercises, talked with the youth.

    “We create such conditions for our unemployed citizens to master the profession and take a worthy place in life”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said. – Use this wisely, master the profession well, and then you will not look for a job, but it will look for you, you will have a high income. A well-read, skillful, professional person will always be appreciated, regardless of his age. I wish you to become such valuable people.

    It was noted that there is a growing need for qualified specialists in the industries, therefore, those trained in the center have high prospects for further employment.

    “We are building large enterprises, many of them employ specialists from abroad. Our goal is to make sure that our youth work, our people receive a salary. Therefore, do not waste time in vain, do not give indulgences to either yourself or your mentors until you master the profession perfectly”, the President said.

    The institution operates based on a public-private partnership. The state creates conditions, provides scientific and material support. Classes are conducted by practitioners, entrepreneurs, representatives of factories, who then hire graduates.

    A monocenter diploma is equivalent to a diploma issued based on the results of three years of study in vocational schools.

    The center also offers courses in English, Russian, Japanese and Korean.