Paralympians’ victory is a vivid example of true heroism and courage

    Uzbekistan 10 September 2021 4280

    On September 10, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting with athletes and coaches who participated in the XVI Paralympic Games.

    The event was also attended by the leadership of the National Paralympic Committee and sports federations, parents of Paralympians, representatives of state and public organizations.

    The Paralympic Games were held from August 24 to September 5 in Tokyo. Uzbekistan’s athletes won 55 licenses in 8 sports, which is currently the best result in the domestic Paralympic sports.

    Young athletes, showing high skill and perseverance, won 8 gold, 5 silver and 6 bronze medals. It is noteworthy that 11 of the 19 awards were won by girls.

    In general, Uzbekistan National Team took sixteenth place among more than 160 countries, the fourth among the countries of Asia and the Commonwealth of the Independent States, the first place in Central Asia.

    At the ceremony, the President congratulated everyone on the great success of our athletes.

    The Head of the state congratulated the winners, thanked their coaches and parents.

    “Your achievements are the result of not only relentless training, but also strong psychological preparation, your firm will and noble aspirations”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said. – As our ancestor, the great thinker Hakim Termizi, used to say: “One should not be sad if a person loses something. It is necessary to grieve when the desire to achieve something is lost. For a business started with pure thoughts will undoubtedly bring good results”.

    Much attention is paid to the preparation and stimulation of athletes in Uzbekistan. All conditions have been created for high-quality preparation not only for the Olympics, but also for the Paralympic Games. Winners of the Paralympics were awarded cars and apartments in Tashkent. In accordance with the Presidential Decree, all participants and their coaches received monetary rewards.

    The President stressed the need to consolidate the achieved success and start preparing for the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris based on a clear system today. Important tasks in this direction have been identified.

    Instructions were given to attract people with disabilities to sports, develop the Paralympic movement, select and train talents, attract experienced specialists and coaches from abroad.

    Paralympic departments will be created in sports educational institutions, additional quotas will be allocated, special training programs and methods will be introduced.

    The task was set to establish the activities of the Institute for training specialists in paralympic sports under the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan from next year.

    It was noted that to strengthen the health, strengthen the physical and psychological training of Paralympians, it is important to assign them the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Sports Medicine, provide them with medicines.

    Tasks have been set for the development of winter Paralympic sports, creating conditions for Paralympians at Amirsoy Ski Resort and Humo Arena Ice Palace.

    The Head of the state proposed to create a School of Courage under the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan.

    “Unfortunately, there are many young people who, faced with even a minor obstacle or difficulty in life, lose hope and embark on the wrong path. If you, our dear athletes, hold meetings with young people in educational institutions, labor collectives, especially in mahallas, and tell them about your life, your difficult path, how you overcome trials, I think they will definitely follow your example”, the President said.

    The need for broad coverage of the life, achievements and victories of Paralympians was also emphasized.

    “The fact that they patiently and with a sense of gratitude took their rightful place in life, steadfastly overcoming the trials of fate, is a vivid example of true heroism and courage. The more our people, especially young people, learn about the exemplary life and activities of such people, the higher the probability that they will follow their example. This will serve to further improve the spiritual environment in our society”, the Head of the state said.

    In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a group of athletes and coaches who achieved high results at the XVI Summer Paralympic Games in Tokyo were awarded honorary titles, orders and medals.

    These high awards were solemnly presented at the event.

    The athletes and coaches and their parents thanked for the high attention and support from the state.