This prestigious international event, which is being held for the second time, serves as an important platform for establishing effective cooperation between French and foreign healthcare organizations.
The forum, which brought together over 300 representatives of the field of medicine from more than 30 countries, was also actively attended by a delegation of Uzbekistan from among the responsible persons of the Ministry of Health, heads of republican specialized medical centers, territorial health departments, medical higher educational institutions.
In particular, within the framework of the forum, representatives of our country held bilateral meetings with responsible persons of French industrial enterprises, clinics, universities and schools, research centers, consulting firms and medical service companies.
According to the press service of the Ministry of Health, more than 10 memorandums and agreements on cooperation in the field of medical care development, improvement of medical education and training system, supply of medical equipment and supplies, digitalization of healthcare were signed following the negotiations.
Representatives of the Uzbek delegation also held a meeting with Jerome Weinbach, Deputy Director of the Department for European and International Affairs of the Ministry of Health and Prevention of France.
During the dialogue, issues of the implementation of previously reached agreements between the ministries of the two countries, the holding of the Uzbek-French Health Week in our country were discussed in detail.