The Prime Minister of Uzbekistan met with the Head of Buryatia

    The head of Buryatia, Alexey Tsydenov, met with Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov during the official visit of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to Uzbekistan.

    - I told Abdulla Nigmatovich about the industrial capabilities of Buryatia, about the range of aviation equipment that we produce at our Aircraft Factory. Geographically, there are many inaccessible desert and mountainous places in Uzbekistan, so helicopters are the best suited for transport support," the Head of Buryatia noted.

    The parties also discussed cooperation in the fields of textile industry, agriculture and education. In particular, the possibility of processing raw materials from Uzbekistan in Buryatia, the supply of high-quality and environmentally friendly vegetables and fruits to the republic and the training of students from Uzbekistan in educational institutions in the region.