President gets acquainted with apartment buildings in Termez

    Uzbekistan 2 June 2021 7065

    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with apartment buildings in the city of Termez.

    Nine-storey buildings with 208 apartments have been erected here. The outer walls are clad in three layers, which provides the optimal temperature in the apartments in winter and summer. Each apartment is equipped with an autonomous heating boiler. There are shops and service centers on the ground floors.

    A management company has been organized to service the houses. It will arrange the duty of electricians, plumbers, gas workers and elevators. There is also a training center under the management company where young people can be trained in professions for servicing apartment buildings.

    The first families began to settle in the houses. Some of them purchased apartments based on benefits provided by the state.

    The President visited two such families – Nargiza Rakhimova and Farrukh Egamov.

    “The main requirement of our policy is to constantly be in the mahalla, to be aware of problems concerning people and solving them. We have big plans for Surkhandarya. It is the desire to ensure the interests of the person. These houses now need to be distributed fairly. If there is justice, then people will also appreciate”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

    This year, housing for 3.5 thousand apartments will be built in Surkhandarya region, 1,460 families will receive mortgage subsidies.

    Thereupon, the President has completed his trip to Surkhandarya.