The state of the introduction of renewable energy sources considered

    Uzbekistan 23 May 2023 4958

    President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev became familiar with the presentation on implementing renewable energy sources in social institutions and government agencies.

    By the Resolution of the Head of State of February 16 this year, a program to accelerate the introduction of renewable energy sources was adopted. It provides for installing 220-megawatt solar panels in social and public institutions this year.

    At the meeting, officials reported on the work progress in this direction.

    It was noted that solar panels with a total capacity of 107 megawatts have been installed to date. Large state-owned companies are carrying out these activities at an accelerated pace, but work could be faster in social institutions.

    For example, 36 percent of the planned panels are installed on university buildings, 33 percent on school buildings, and 28 percent in medical institutions. The indicator has reached almost 50 percent in the country as a whole. But in Tashkent, introducing renewable energy sources is 26 percent of the planned.

    The Head of state stressed that there are many untapped opportunities and instructed to speed up the work.

    This year it is planned to put into operation solar and wind power plants with a capacity of 2,000 megawatts. In addition, during the state visit of the President of Uzbekistan to the People's Republic of China, agreements were reached on constructing 11 solar and wind power plants with a total capacity of 4.8 gigawatts worth $4.4 billion.

    Issues of organizing the implementation of these agreements were also discussed at the meeting.