Russian Atom electric cars from the Kama plant can start producing in Uzbekistan

    Transport 5 October 2023 1969

    Tatarstan company "Kama" may start assembling its electric car "Atom" in Uzbekistan. This became known during the III Forum of Interregional Cooperation between Uzbekistan and Russia, which was held on October 4 in Kazan.

    Dmitry Volvach, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia, announced plans to localize the production of electric cars at the forum. According to him, Uzbek companies are interested in launching a large-node assembly of Atom, and then in fully localizing the production of electric cars in their country, the Vechernaya Kazan newspaper reports.

    Also, D. Volvach described the Tatarstan car as a "breakthrough and high-quality electric car".

    The company "Kama", which produces an electric car, was founded by the head of "KamAZ" Sergey Kogogin. Recall that KAMAZ actively cooperates with Uzbekistan, in particular, in the field of training and recruitment of personnel.

    The III Forum of Interregional Cooperation between Uzbekistan and Russia was held on October 4 in Kazan.