The Central Asian countries and China have agreed to develop cooperation in the field of civil aviation

    Transport 25 June 2024 575

    In January of this year, as part of the visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the People's Republic of China, an agreement was signed between the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Civil Aviation Administration of China on the joint construction of the "Air Silk Road".

    From June 17 to 21 of this year, the Chinese-Central Asian Civil Aviation Conference S5+1 on cooperation to implement the terms of this Agreement was held in the Chinese city of Xi'an.

    The conference was attended by the aviation governments and aviation enterprises of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, the Chinese Civil Aviation Administration, the SOMAS civil aviation aircraft manufacturing enterprise, a number of airlines, as well as government organizations operating airports in China.

    The delegation of Uzbekistan, consisting of heads and employees of the Air Transport Department of the Ministry of Transport and the Civil Aviation Agency under the Ministry of Transport, took part in the conference.

    During the event, the delegation of the Ministry of Transport was informed about the work currently being carried out in Uzbekistan in the field of civil aviation, and about further plans to improve aviation communications with China and neighboring countries.

    The main purpose of the conference is to build an Air Silk Road based on the historical Great Silk Road, economic cooperation, liberalization of the air transportation market, further development of trade and economic issues through air travel between countries, further increase in passenger and cargo traffic, trade turnover and raw materials base, creation of a unified air transportation system.

    Within the framework of this forum, the delegation of Uzbekistan achieved a number of positive results during negotiations with the Chinese side. Following the conference, the parties agreed to hold the "China-Central Asian Civil Aviation Conference C5+1" every year on March 1 in the member countries alternately and to further strengthen cooperation.