Subsidies are provided to cocoon growing households

    Agriculture 9 July 2021 1674

    The Presidential resolution "On additional measures for the effective use of pastures available in the republic, support for the processing of silk and wool" was adopted.

    According to the resolution, from January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2025:

    • subsidies are allocated from the republican budget to cocoon producers in the amount of 5 thousand soums per 1 kg of annually grown silkworm cocoon (raw silkworm);
    • the tax rate for the use of water resources is applied to the volume of water used for irrigation of mulberry trees in the amount of 50 percent.

    The funds allocated under the state programs for the development of family entrepreneurship will also be used to purchase wool-producing sheep, as well as equipment for hand-spinning wool, silk weaving, carpet weaving and felt weaving.

    According to the resolution, the following regions will specialize in the breeding of small cattle of the wool direction:

    • Guzar and Dehkanabad districts of Kashkadarya region;
    • Koshrabat district of Samarkand region;
    • Kumkurgan and Baysun districts of Surkhandarya region.

    Moreover, for the further development of karakul breeding, 200 billion soums will be allocated.

    At the first stage, 50 billion soums of these funds will be directed for the allocation of loans for the implementation of projects by entrepreneurs of districts specializing in the breeding of small cattle of the wool direction.

    At the 2nd stage-until April 1, 2022, the funds of the Reconstruction and Development Fund, in the equivalent of 50 million US dollars, will be used to provide loans through commercial banks.

    In addition, the Committee for the Development of Sericulture and Karakul Breeding was renamed into the Committee for the Development of Sericulture and Wool Industry, and the Republican Association “Korakulchilik” was renamed into the Association for the Development of Pasture Farms.