In the field of silkworm cultivation and sericulture, the introduction of market mechanisms will be accelerated

    Agriculture 10 May 2024 1941

    The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to accelerate the introduction of market mechanisms in the field of silkworm cultivation and sericulture" (UP No. 72 dated 05/03/2024) was adopted.

    According to the Decree, in 2024-2027, in the field of silkworm cultivation and sericulture:

    • up to 160 thousand hectares - the land area of mulberry plantations, up to 500 million – the number of mulberries planted in a row along the edges of the fields;
    • up to 80 percent is the level of localization of the republic's demand for silkworm grain;
    • up to class 5 A - the quality of raw silk produced in the republic, up to 75 percent - the level of its processing.

    As stipulated by Presidential Decree (UP No. 85), 105 thousand hectares of land plots are placed on the electronic trading platform "E-auksion" for rental at a price of 10 percent of the established starting rental price, the Ministry of Justice reports.