The progress of developing master plans for districts and cities presented

    The President of Uzbekistan got acquainted with the presentation on the development of master plans for districts and cities.

    This task was set at a meeting on priority tasks in the economy, which took place on January 16 this year. Responsible persons informed about the implemented activities and the expected results from executing the master plans.

    During this time, master plans were developed for 14 districts and cities. They provide for the construction of 759 apartment buildings, 22 shopping complexes, and more than 800 service facilities.

    In addition, it is planned to prepare another 136 master plans based on driver areas in 112 districts.

    For example, sufficient housing, social facilities, and recreational parks must be built in 38 fast-growing districts.

    In 20 districts with high tourism potential, increasing the number of hotels and developing environmental, hunting, medical, sports, and extreme tourism can increase the flow of tourists by 2.5 times.

    More than 400 motels, campsites, canteens, shops, and car services can be created in the 68 districts through which the highways pass.

    In general, projects based on master plans are expected to create 40,000 jobs and generate annual budget revenues of 350 billion UZS.

    The Head of state noted the need to accelerate the creation of convenient infrastructure, shopping and entertainment places, and highly profitable jobs for the population.

    The task was set to create a vertical system for the development and monitoring of master plans.