Weightlifters of Uzbekistan took first place in the team competition at the Asian Championship

    Sports 17 October 2022 1415

    The next continental weightlifting championship has ended in Bahrain. It is gratifying to note that the Uzbek national team that participated in it won a total of 6 gold, 3 silver and 10 bronze medals. And the men's team of our country, which performed without Olympic champions, was in the lead in the overall standings.

    The guys of the national delegation won 6 gold, 2 silver and 5 bronze awards.

    It is worth noting that two favorites who were preparing for the World Cup separately - Ruslan Nurudinov and Akbar Juraev - did not participate in the competition. And the girls in the course of uncompromising competitions added 1 silver and 5 bronze medals to the piggy bank of the Uzbek team.