Scientists have created a "smart" insulin to fight type I diabetes

    Healthcare 13 August 2024 1058

    Scientists have developed a "smart" insulin that is able to respond to changes in blood sugar levels in real time. This discovery could revolutionize the treatment of people with type I diabetes.

    Currently, patients have to inject themselves with synthetic insulin up to 10 times a day. Constant fluctuations between high and low sugar levels can lead to organ dysfunction. In addition, mental health also suffers.

    Researchers from the USA, Australia and China have developed a form of insulin that is in a "dormant" state in the body and is activated if necessary. It mimics the body's natural response to changes in blood sugar levels.

    "Standard" insulin has a short-term effect. Smart insulin is sensitive to glucose. It acts at a certain blood sugar level, preventing hyperglycemia, and becomes inactive when the sugar index decreases.

    Clinical trials are currently underway. According to scientists, in the future, patients with diabetes may need only one injection of insulin per week.

    Currently, six research projects are being implemented on this topic. Among them: research from Stanford University in the USA, Monash University in Australia and Zhejiang University in China. One of them is aimed at finding superfast insulin, which is able to have an effect almost immediately after administration, mir24 reports.