Uzbekistan - USA: prospects of cooperation in the field of higher education discussed

    Education 19 October 2023 2183

    On October 18, within the framework of the regional forum of the Education USA program, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Sarvarkhon Buzrukhonov met with representatives of the US State Department and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America Jonathan David Henick.

    The sides discussed issues of enhancing cooperation in the field of higher education, including student exchange, internships of professors and teachers at US universities.

    During the discussion, a number of proposals were put forward to further strengthen relations in a number of areas.

    "We are interested in further strengthening relations on mutual exchange of students, internships of professors and teachers at US universities and launching targeted measures," S. Buzrukhonov said.

    At the same time, proposals were made to create educational programs at universities in Uzbekistan in accordance with current trends of American universities, to raise awareness of young people about scholarships and benefits for admission to American higher education institutions.

    David Hennick expressed satisfaction with the acceleration of cooperation and support for these proposals.

    As a result of the dialogue, an agreement was reached to sign a joint student exchange program and internship of professors and teachers at US universities.