Cooperation between Uzbekistan and the Islamic Solidarity Sports Association (ISSA) is reaching a new level

    Sports 28 June 2024 570

    On June 27, a delegation headed by Nasir Ayman Majali, Secretary General of the Islamic Solidarity Sports Association, visited the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan.

    During the visit, an exchange of views took place on bringing the relations of the international organization with Uzbekistan to a new level, further strengthening cooperation between the parties.

    The guests were greeted by Sports Minister Adham Ikramov and NOC Secretary General Oybek Kasimov. The meeting between the two sides was also attended by Deputy Minister of Sports Shakhrullo Mahmudov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee Sherzod Tashmatov and ISSA officials.

    Adham Ikramov spoke about the attention paid by the President of our country to the field of sports, the achievements of our athletes in the international arena, and projects aimed at popularizing mass sports in the country. The Minister also noted that we have established friendly relations with the head of ISSA, Mr. Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Saud. In turn, Oybek Kasimov noted the preparations for the Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games, and the fact that the state provides the necessary support to our national teams, as well as the organizational work for the Tashkent 2025 Asian Youth Games.

    Mr. Majali noted that Uzbekistan is one of the active members of the Islamic Solidarity Sports Association and that our country recorded the highest result among the organization's member countries at the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics and the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Summer Games. The official representative also noted that the residents of our country are sports fans and is aware that in recent years our athletes have achieved high results in the international arena.

    During the meeting, the parties discussed such priority issues as the exchange of experience with member countries, the holding of joint training camps and the organization of one of the tournaments in Uzbekistan, which are held under the auspices of ISSA.