Uzbekistan and Iraq discussed the development of cooperation in the field of tourism

    Tourism 8 May 2024 1215

    On May 7, Chairman of the Tourism Committee Umid Shodiyev met with Jaber al-Tamimi, Charge d'affaires of the Republic of Iraq in the Republic of Uzbekistan with residence in Astana.

    The parties discussed issues of expanding bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism. In particular, it was noted that Uzbekistan and Iraq have great potential in this regard.

    The Iraqi side was also provided with detailed information on the favorable conditions created for tourists in Uzbekistan and on the large-scale work carried out on the ground.

    At the meeting, the parties agreed to create a regulatory framework for cooperation in the field of tourism, participate in major events in this area held in the countries, increase the flow of mutual tourists, including to establish pilgrimage tourism for Iraqis.