The opening of the winter holiday season took place in Bo'stonliq

    Tourism 13 December 2023 2241

    Events aimed at developing tourism in our country, attracting both local and foreign tourists, discussing current problems in the industry and expanding opportunities were held in the Bo'stonliq district of the Tashkent region.

    In this regard, the "Opening Ceremony of the winter season", the "Sky Camp Bo'stonliq ", "Chimgan Challenge - 2023" and a Gastronomic Festival were organized.

    The event was attended by employees of the Committee on Tourism under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change, the khokimiyat of the Tashkent region, as well as the public. Representatives of winter sports and journalists were also present.

    The event began with the official opening of the winter season, during which an impressive performance of skiers and snowboarders took place, who descended from the top of the mountain with the flags of the Republic of Uzbekistan in their hands. Then winter sports competitions were launched - "Bo'stonliq challenge" and "Sky Camp" for professionals and amateurs.

    Those present participated in the games: shooting, tug of war, as well as chess, mini-football and badminton. At the end of the event, the winners were awarded.

    A gastronomic festival was also held during the day, where representatives of all districts of the Tashkent region presented their national and traditional dishes.

    In recent years, special attention has been paid in our country to the development of various forms of tourism, including skiing, as Uzbekistan is becoming famous not only for its ancient cities, but also for its unique mountainous areas.