Events of the International Week of Pilgrimage Tourism were held in Bukhara

    Tourism 1 December 2023 1469

    Events within the framework of the International Week of Pilgrimage Tourism were held in Bukhara. The events were attended by the president of the international company "Crescent Rating" Bahardeen Mohamed Fazal, representatives of the Committee on Tourism and khokimiyats of the Bukhara region, representatives of a number of international organizations, influential people of the Islamic world, representatives of pilgrimage tourism of foreign countries, local and representatives of local and foreign media.

    At the beginning, the participants of the event got acquainted with the tourist opportunities of the city of Bukhara: historical sites and Islamic heritage, the news agency "Dunyo" reports.

    "Uzbekistan is one of the leaders of pilgrimage tourism in the Muslim world. We are ready to contribute to further increasing its importance. We also have targeted plans to certify halal tourism in the country based on standards. In this regard, we are cooperating with the Halal Tourism Laboratory in Bukhara," said Bahardeen Mohamed Fazal, President of Crescent Rating.

    After the official opening, presentations were held on the topics "Uzbekistan, open to all: The main tourist destination for Muslim tourists" and "Trends of the future: pilgrimage and sustainable tourism".

    Within the framework of the week, a scientific and practical conference of the Center for Islamic Civilization of Uzbekistan was held; exhibitions of national costumes and crafts; a festival of Uzbek national dishes and an international festival of national folk games "Nomad Games".