Prospects for cooperation between Uzbekistan and WHO discussed in Geneva

    Healthcare 8 April 2024 1544

    The newly appointed Permanent Representative of Uzbekistan in Geneva, Eldiyor Tashmatov, held a meeting with Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO).

    The Head of WHO was informed about the ongoing large-scale reforms in the health sector in Uzbekistan. It was emphasized that in recent years, together with WHO, significant joint work has been carried out in the areas of personnel training, advanced training of physicians, provision of modern equipment and medicines to medical institutions, exchange of experience and knowledge, reports the news agency "Dunyo".

    In turn, Tedros Ghebreyesus stressed his satisfaction that the reforms being carried out in Uzbekistan are in line with the WHO Global Agenda, which provides for universal access to health services.

    Special attention is paid to the expansion of project activities aimed at the development of the healthcare system of the Aral Sea region, in particular, to further improve the organization of medical care, prevention and early detection of non-communicable, respiratory and oncological diseases among the population of Karakalpakstan.

    They expressed interest in expanding WHO's cooperation with the International Public Foundation "Zamin" on the implementation of joint projects in the field of medicine.

    At the end of the meeting, the Director General confirmed WHO's readiness to further develop constructive cooperation with Uzbekistan, as well as to assist in organizing joint events in the field of healthcare.