In October, the inhabitants of the Earth expect a Solar and Lunar eclipse

    Science 28 September 2023 2307

    An annular eclipse of the Sun and a partial eclipse of the Moon are expected on October 14 and 28, reports

    The eclipse of the Sun will occur on October 14 from 18:05 to 23:55. It can be seen from North America and South America, in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

    The lunar eclipse from 22:36 to 23:53 on October 28 will be visible from Russia and the CIS countries, except for the easternmost regions, but the shadow from the Earth will cover the Sun by only 6 percent.

    The maximum of the Draconis meteor shower will come on October 9, the Orionids - on October 21.

    Eclipses of the Sun and Moon occur every six months, the time interval between them is two weeks. The Sun, the Earth and the Moon line up at such moments. During a solar eclipse, the Moon is in the middle, and during a lunar eclipse, the Earth is in the middle.