In Tashkent, about 14 trillion soums were spent on the modernization of power grids

    Energy 23 November 2023 2108

    The head of the Ministry of Energy announced a program of modernization of power grids, including determining the need for new substations and networks, taking into account the level of development of the regions.

    At the government hour, Energy Minister Jurabek Mirzamakhmudov said that approximately 14 trillion soums were allocated for the modernization of Tashkent's power grids. This is reported by the press service of the Oliy Majlis.

    The funds were allocated from the state and local budgets, as well as using loans.

    J. Mirzamakhmudov noted that together with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, a program is being prepared that takes into account the level of development of the regions. This program will help determine the need to build new substations and lay additional networks.

    In the course of the work, 831 km of trunk and 29.5 thousand km of distribution power lines were also artistically restored to improve power supply in the regions. The capacity of substations in Ferghana, Surkhandarya regions and Tashkent has been increased to 400 MW.

    The enterprises of regional power grids have also created an emergency reserve for the winter period, including 258 transformers, 70 tons of wires and 80 km of cables.

    Noting the "green" energy, the Ministry of Energy announced the conclusion of 21 contracts for the purchase of electricity and 13 memoranda on the construction of solar and wind power plants. This year, it is planned to put into operation green power plants with a total capacity of 1.5 thousand MW.