According to the Decree, amendments and additions have been made to some acts of the President providing for simplification of mechanisms.:
revealing the facts of wasteful spending, as well as illegal and inefficient use of fuel and energy resources;
implementation of state control over the suppression of the sale of low-quality fuel products.
In particular, according to the amendment to the Presidential Decree of May 24, 2023:
Inspections conducted by the Inspectorate for Control of the Use of Electricity, Petroleum Products and Gas (Uzenergoinspektion) in economic entities engaged in the extraction, production, processing, transportation, storage, delivery (distribution, sale) and consumption of fuel and energy resources at any time of the day as part of control measures for compliance with legislative acts regulating their activities, They are carried out by notifying the authorized body by registering in the Unified State Control information system within 24 hours from the start of the audit.