Uzbekistan has created a new natural remedy for the treatment of allergic skin diseases that has no analogues in the world

    Healthcare 23 September 2022 1598

    Scientists of the Institute of Human Immunology and Genomics together with colleagues from the Institute of Plant Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Vaccines and Serums of the Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry have created a new drug for the treatment of skin diseases.

    According to the Academy of Sciences, the new medicine is a 4-percent ointment "Dermaglibid" for the treatment of skin allergodermatoses from a thick extract of a three-part series and a dry extract of licorice root. Its preclinical tests have already been carried out.

    Currently, the necessary documents for the drug have been transferred to the Pharmaceutical Committee and are at the second stage of examination.

    This ointment has no analogues yet, and the effective active ingredients and ointment base were created on the basis of local raw materials. Uzbekistan has a sufficient raw material base for the production of this drug, it is non-toxic, has a more effective effect in the treatment of allergodermatoses compared to other antihistamines.

    Allergodermatoses are a large group of skin diseases, the main cause of which are allergic reactions, in particular, atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, various forms of eczema, urticaria, allergic vasculitis, toxicoderma and others.