Measures to protect children from all types of violence are being strengthened in Uzbekistan

    Safety&Sequrity 15 November 2024 1541

    The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed Law No. ZRU-996 dated 11/14/2024 "On the protection of children from all forms of violence".

    Due to the increase in cases of violence committed against children, the Law strengthens measures to prevent and protect the rights and legitimate interests of children.

    All forms of violence, including physical, sexual, psychological, neglect, exploitation and bullying are prohibited and prosecuted by law.

    In particular, it is established that a person who has suffered violence can apply to the relevant authorized bodies or the court, receive free legal, economic, social, psychological, medical and other assistance in special centers, as well as via a free telephone line.

    For the first time, the law introduces a mechanism for issuing a protective order to children who have suffered violence. It is issued by the internal affairs bodies for up to 30 days and handed to the victim of violence or her legal representative. If the threat has not yet been eliminated, the term of the protective order may be extended by the criminal court to one year.

    The Law reflects the right to claim compensation for material damage and compensation for moral damage caused to the victim.

    The document also defines the main directions of state policy in the field of protection of children from violence, government agencies and organizations directly carrying out their activities in this direction, and their powers.

    The National Agency for Social Protection (an authorized State body) is tasked with identifying children who have been victims of violence, as well as children who are at risk of violence against them, keeping records of them and, if necessary, ensuring that individual measures are taken to prevent violence.

    Along with this, the responsibility of parents increases.

    In particular, parents should protect the life and health of children, take care of them and protect them from information that has a harmful effect, physical punishment of children in the process of their upbringing is prohibited.

    The National Agency for Social Protection provides a 24-hour free telephone line network (helpline) throughout the country. At the same time, the helpline operates with confidentiality. Disclosure of information received by the helpline is not allowed, except in cases established by law.

    The document has been published in the National Database of Legislation and will enter into force on 05/15/2025, Norma reports.