In Uzbekistan, in 2022-2024, "green public parks" will be re-erected on an area of 1082 hectares

    Environment 2 August 2022 1168

    During the autumn season of the past 2021, a total of 85 million saplings of trees and shrubs were planted throughout the republic within the framework of the national movement "Yashil Makon", the plan was fulfilled by 114%.

    This was announced at a briefing in AIMK by the head of the information service of the State Forestry Committee Otabek Ashurov:

    Also in the spring season of this year, the work was continued, more than 127 million seedlings of fruit, ornamental trees and shrubs were planted, the plan was fulfilled by 101.6%.

    To date, relevant decisions have been taken by district and city khokimiyats (administrations) on the creation of "green parks" and "green public parks". In the spring season of this year, work was carried out on the construction of "green parks" on an area of 480 hectares and "green public parks" on an area of 407 hectares.