The foreign trade turnover of Chuvashia with Uzbekistan increased 2.1 times

    Within the framework of the IV Forum of Interregional Cooperation between the regions of the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan, the Head of Chuvashia Oleg Nikolaev held a meeting with the Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov.

    As Oleg Nikolaev stressed, Uzbekistan is among the top five among the 84 partner countries of Chuvashia. The cooperation between our republics is growing stronger every year. Over the past year alone, our foreign trade turnover has increased 2.1 times compared to 2022 and amounted to $27.8 million.

    - We formed approaches to such interaction a year ago within the framework of the International exhibition "Innoprom. Central Asia". At the same time, twinning was established between the cities of Novocheboksarsk and Karshi of Kashkadarya region.

    Mutual interest is represented by partnership in the trade, economic, industrial, social spheres, in the field of agriculture, energy and tractor engineering.

    We are ready to supply onions, potatoes, and Chuvash tractors needed by Uzbekistan. The production of ceramic sanitary ware can become a promising direction. In the Kashkadarya region, clay is extracted, which is necessary for the production of ceramic products. Previously, it was imported to our enterprises from Ukraine. There is also a request for vocational training for the youth of Uzbekistan. Today, 172 citizens of the republic study at universities in Chuvashia, including 137 at the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU.

    An agreement is expected to be signed today between the Government of Chuvashia and the Khokimiyat of Kashkadarya region on cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, tourism, healthcare, culture, education, science, youth and sports.

    I was pleased to accept Abdulla Nigmatovich's invitation to visit Bukhara, one of the oldest cities in Central Asia. Just like with the Kashkadarya region, we plan long-term cooperation with it," the head of the Russian region wrote in his telegram channel.