Six new companies launched in Khorezm

    Uzbekistan 31 March 2023 5035

    The President of Uzbekistan got acquainted with the activities of the textile enterprise Yangibozor Textile Agrocluster LLC, in Khorezm region.

    Modern foreign equipment was installed as part of this project worth more than 13 billion UZS. The production capacity is 5 million ready-made knitwear per year. It is planned to export 65 percent of the products.

    The company employs about 500 women. Shavkat Mirziyoyev talked with them, and got acquainted with the technological process at the enterprise. The workers noted that the industry is also coming to the most remote areas, and they are happy to work at such a modern company, not far from home.

    The ceremony of launching 6 new enterprises in Khorezm region was held. These are enterprises Eco Obi Hayot for the production of gypsum board products in Urgench, Zakirov for the production of self-tapping screws in Urgench district, the second stage of Khiva carpet factory, Koba Tex enterprises for the production of fabrics in Bagat district, Khorazm Salt Business for the production of technical salts in Urgench district and Khorezmtex Fashion for the production of garments and knitwear in Khanka district. Representatives of these enterprises spoke about their capabilities via videoconference.

    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, by pressing the symbolic start button, put new companies into operation.