The law strengthens protection measures against family (domestic) violence

    Safety&Sequrity 20 September 2024 690

    At the next plenary session of the Senate, the Law "On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with strengthening measures to protect against family (domestic) violence" was actively discussed.

    This Law was developed on the basis of a recommendation from the World Bank in order to increase the effectiveness of measures to prevent harassment and violence against children and women, and improve the spiritual and moral atmosphere in families.

    It was noted that within the framework of these tasks, in September 2023, the Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis on Women and Gender Equality formed a working group from among representatives of relevant ministries and departments.

    According to WHO, one in three women in the world is physically harassed by their spouse. In 38% of cases, death as a result of harassment and violence is caused by the fault of the spouse or the person living with him.

    55.6%, that is, 506 out of 894 crimes related to family (domestic) violence committed between 2023 and May of this year, were terminated due to reconciliation of the parties. For the remaining 44.4%, that is, 388 crimes, the court handed down appropriate sentences.

    Article 592 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility and article 1261 of the Criminal Code are supplemented by a norm establishing responsibility for the commission of family (domestic) violence against a child. The procedure for submitting an application for reconciliation in cases related to family (domestic) violence is also introduced at the stage of judicial proceedings, rather than at the stage of inquiry and preliminary investigation.

    That is, it is established that an application for reconciliation in cases related to family (domestic) violence can be filed at any stage of the trial, but before the court retires to the conference room.

    The adoption of the Law serves to comprehensively, fully and objectively consider criminal cases related to family (domestic) violence, further increase the strength of the positive impact on the behavior of the person who committed harassment and violence, increase the effectiveness of measures to prevent harassment and violence against children and women, improve the moral environment in families, as well as to improve the country's position in international indices related to ensuring women's rights.

    The law was approved by the senators.