Uzbekistan Airways has signed an agreement on the acquisition of new types of aircraft

    Transport 16 June 2023 1376

    On June 15, 2023, an agreement was signed on the acquisition of LET L-410 aircraft. The LET L-410 aircraft is designed to carry up to 19 passengers with a landing on almost any type of runways with a length of 510 meters.

    The aircraft fleet of Uzbekistan Airways will soon be replenished with a new type of aircraft. In order to increase the number of flights on intra-republican routes for the transportation of small groups of passengers, as well as for the development of domestic tourism in the Republic, on June 15, 2023, an agreement was signed at the head office of Uzbekistan Airways for the purchase of turboprop aircraft LET L-410 of the Czech concern LET Aircraft Industries.

    Aircraft of the LET L-410 type are designed to carry up to 19 passengers and will be able to provide flights with a range of up to 1,500 kilometers. It is planned that these aircraft will be used on ultrashort runways and will allow expanding the route network within the republic to cities such as Zarafshan and Shakhrisabz. In the near future, it is planned to restore regular communication between the cities of Tashkent and Andijan, which will also be possible due to the technical characteristics of the LET L-410 aircraft and the features of the runway of the Andijan International Airport.

    To date, LET L-410 aircraft are widely used around the world. The national air carrier of the Republic of Uzbekistan plans to purchase up to 4 aircraft of this type, which in the future will provide flights to previously inaccessible destinations for Uzbeks and guests of the capital. Moreover, it is planned to organize the initial training of civil aviation pilots on the basis of the Uzbekistan Airways training center, in which LET L-410 aircraft will be involved at one of the stages.