Brazil's flooded south sees first deaths from disease, as experts warn of coming surge in fatalities

    The Associated Press (AP) reports the first two deaths due to a waterborne bacterial disease.

    It is noted that this happened in the southern part of Brazil, where water is slowly receding after a flood. Local health authorities warned that additional casualties could not be ruled out. The agency indicated that the Ministry of Health of the state of Rio Grande do Sul last Wednesday confirmed the death of a 33-year-old man due to leptospirosis.

    Earlier, authorities said that a 67-year-old local resident died from the same cause. In total, since the beginning of May, 29 cases of infection with this water-borne disease have already been recorded in the state.

    Experts previously predicted that amid the floods, which have already killed 161 people, the number of cases of infection with diseases such as leptospirosis and hepatitis B will also jump.