Mar 2, 2025

    The Nukus State Technical University will be established

    The decree of the President "On the establishment of the Nukus State Technical University" (No. PP-25 dated January 24, 2025) was adopted.

    According to the decree, the Nukus State Technical University will be established on the basis of the Nukus Mining Institute at the Navoi State Mining and Technological University and the Nukus branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technology.

    By the 2025/2026 academic year, a pilot production spin-off enterprise will be established at the university.

    Starting from the 2025/2026 academic year:

    A system for assessing the indicators of students' mastery of subjects and the effectiveness of the University's teaching staff based on international experience will be introduced.

    The Amudarya College of Engineering and Technology will begin training middle-level personnel in engineering professions in accordance with professional education programs based entirely on a state grant.

    All students currently enrolled will continue their studies at the University, and graduate students will be awarded a University diploma in due course.

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