The activities of law enforcement agencies will be improved

    Safety&Sequrity 8 January 2022 1090

    A draft Decree of the Head of our State "On the Development Strategy of the New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026" has been published on the portal for discussing draft normative legal acts of Uzbekistan.

    The new strategy provides for the creation of an effective system for maintaining public order and ensuring security.

    In this context, it is planned to take measures to:

    • raising the system of crime prevention to a qualitatively new level;
    • prevention of offenses among children of families in need of social protection through their social adaptation;
    • raising to a qualitatively new level the activities of the patrol service for the preservation of public order, including the abolition of the procedure for admitting a citizen to the department of internal Affairs with the introduction of modern information technologies;
    • reducing road fatalities by improving road infrastructure and creating conditions for safe movement, including full digitalization of the traffic management system and ensuring broad public participation in this area.
    • The activities of law enforcement agencies will also be improved with an even greater focus on serving the effective protection of the interests, honor and dignity, rights and freedoms of the people.

    In particular, it is planned:

    • to turn the internal affairs bodies into a people's professional structure as a reliable defender of the people, as well as their focus on targeted work with the population;
    • to create a solid legal basis for the activities of an open and fair prosecutor's office, strictly ensuring legality, as well as the transformation of the principle of "The rule of law - the inevitability of punishment";
    • strengthen control over operational investigative and investigative activities, introduce effective mechanisms for the effective protection of the honor and dignity and freedoms of citizens;
    • to digitalize the activities of law enforcement agencies, widely introduce modern information technologies in investigative activities and the conduct of cases of administrative offenses;
    • radically reform the reporting systems of crimes in law enforcement agencies, the use of modern methods to prevent cases of concealment of crimes.