The system of remuneration of medical workers will also be improved

    Healthcare 10 January 2022 901

    The draft Decree of the Head of our State "On the Development Strategy of the New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026" has been published on the portal for discussing draft normative legal acts. The healthcare sector will continue to be one of the most important areas of the state's development for the next five years.

    In this direction, in particular, it is planned to take measures to bring the share of the private sector in the field of medical services to 25 percent, as well as medicines and medical products of domestic production to 80 percent.

    At the same time, benefits will be extended to domestic manufacturers of medicines, comprehensive support will be provided, the creation of new and further development of existing modern pharmaceutical clusters and zones is planned.

    The plans also include the creation of laboratories of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service with international status, equipping 263 facilities of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health Service with the necessary equipment, carrying out construction, reconstruction and repair work at 249 facilities of the Service, increasing its personnel potential and widespread introduction of information and communication technologies into its activities.

    In the regions, it is planned to organize primary health care in the regions on the basis of the "one step" principle.

    In addition, 61 family polyclinics and 215 family medical centers will be established in 2022-2023.

    The system of remuneration of medical workers will also be improved.

    Steps have been outlined to improve the effectiveness of work to combat the pandemic.

    In this direction, it is planned to create a system of early warning of a pandemic and similar processes, a comprehensive in-depth analysis of the situation, an early forecast of possible threats and risks, problems associated with them, the development of specific plans and measures to solve them.

    The Dunyo news agency reports, mutual cooperation with all states and international organizations on the way to overcoming diseases will be strengthened, including through the use of telemedicine capabilities.

    Efforts to prevent the re-spread of the coronavirus, limit its negative impact on the economy and people's lives as much as possible, ensure the most important vital needs of the population, prevent price increases and support low-income families will continue.