The practice of providing public services to citizens of Uzbekistan abroad will expand

    Digitalization 9 January 2022 1980

    The draft Decree of the Head of our State "On the Development Strategy of the New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026" has been published on the portal for discussing draft normative legal acts. According to the document, the improvement and development of the "Electronic Government" system will continue during this period. The task is to increase the share of electronic services to 100 percent and completely eliminate bureaucracy.

    It is planned to expand the provision of public services, including through a mobile application. It is planned to develop and implement a system of Mobile ID-identification of a person in the provision of public services.

    It is planned to reduce bureaucratic processes by establishing data exchange between government agencies and private commercial organizations through the interdepartmental integration platform of the Electronic Government system.

    A system of authorization and notification will also be introduced to ensure the protection of personal data, the practice of issuing and exchanging urgent documents defining a certain fact to citizens, as well as offering them composite public services without waiting for their treatment, will be established.

    The provision of public services to the elderly and persons with disabilities will be simplified, additional amenities will be created for them.

    Administrative procedures will be optimized, and management processes will be automated by digitalizing office work in government agencies within the framework of the Digital Authority project.

    It is also planned to abolish the practice of demanding documents from the population confirming certain facts by introducing the project "Digital Passport of Citizens".

    the Dune news agency reports, the practice of providing public services to citizens of Uzbekistan abroad will expand.

    Public services will be digitized and 20 percent of public services will be transferred to the private sector.