Construction projects presented

    Uzbekistan 19 November 2020 2452

    On November 19, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev became familiar with presentation of construction projects of a number of facilities in the country.

    As is known, reconstruction and expansion of Imam Bukhari Memorial Complex in Samarkand region was planned. During the trip to the region, the Head of the state noted the need for a well-thought-out approach to the design of these works. Accordingly, the project was revised and improved. It provides for construction of a large mosque, minarets and terraces, an alley, hotels and other infrastructure facilities along it.

    Getting acquainted with the presentation, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev gave instructions on high-quality construction of the complex in accordance with international standards, creating more amenities for pilgrims and travelers.

    The project of the new building of the State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan was considered.

    According to the project developed by the world-famous Japanese architect Tadao Ando, by the order of Art and Culture Development Foundation under the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan, a new three-story circular structure is planned to be built next to the current building of the State Museum of Art.

    The need for constructing a new building for the Museum is due to the limited exhibition capacity of the existing building – currently only 3 percent of the exhibits can be presented. With the construction of the new facility, the Museum's facilities and area will expand significantly.

    The reconstruction project of the Museum, reflecting modern trends and solutions of socially-oriented architecture, will preserve the historical value and integrity of the object.

    On October 16, during the trip to the new building of Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, the Head of the state noted that it is necessary to create a specialized cluster here and turn this district into a neighborhood of builders. For this purpose, the territory of the Institute was enlarged and a new project was developed.

    It is planned to build a Construction College, a Research Center for Building Materials, a laboratory, dormitories, a sports complex and other facilities next to the higher education institution.

    In recent years, the scale of creative activities in the country has significantly expanded. In particular, apartment buildings are being built to meet the growing demand for housing.

    A number of projects in this direction are planned to be implemented in Surkhandarya region, which have been presented to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev today. So, it is planned to carry out reconstruction and improvement of Central Beruni Street in Termez, where International Research Center of Imam Termizi, a mosque, a hotel, houses, mahalla guzar and many enterprises are located. Energy-efficient apartment buildings and social facilities will be built in Nurli Manzil and Lochin mahallas of Denau district.

    Information was also provided about construction projects in Tashkent.

    As is known, on June 12 this year, the Head of the state visited Almazar district and set tasks for its socio-economic development. In particular, it was proposed to transfer part of Tashkent district to Almazar district and build new residential areas and enterprises.

    According to the project presented today, it is planned to build multi-storey buildings for more than 150 thousand people, a school, a kindergarten, a park and a commercial zone on an area of more than 200 hectares.

    Another project is dedicated to the effective use of Navruz reception house. It is planned to carry out a major renovation of the complex and organize a Health Center for enterprises with participation of the state and privatization of state assets. Relevant information will be provided to entrepreneurs in an open and transparent manner.

    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev also became familiar with the presentation on construction of Temurbeklar Maktabi School in Tashkent and gave necessary instructions.