An information tour of Bukhara was organized for more than a hundred representatives of the Chinese tourism business

    Tourism 19 June 2024 1078

    An information tour of Bukhara was organized for Chinese representatives of the tourism business, tour operators, media, and bloggers.

    The tour included sightseeing of the historical part of Bukhara (Ark Fortress, Poi Kalon complex, Toki Zargaron shopping centers, Toki Sarrafon, Toki Telpakfurushon, Jewelry and Carpet Centers, Blacksmith's Workshop Museum, Labi Hovuz ensemble and others).

    At the same time, the role of ancient and modern Bukhara in the world community and the high tourism industry was widely promoted.

    During the event, a meeting was organized with the head of the Long Air Airline, where an exchange of views took place on the tourism potential and opportunities of Bukhara.

    Also, in order to attract Chinese tourists to Bukhara by promoting the tourism potential of the region in the People's Republic of China, further development of interstate tourist exchange, negotiations were held on the implementation of direct charter flights from China to Bukhara.

    For information: Loong Air has 74 aircraft and operates flights to 25 cities in China, as well as to Bangladesh, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and Uzbekistan.