Iran and Central Asian countries sign statement on Transit cooperation

    Transport 10 October 2022 3797

    Representatives of Iran and six Central Asian countries signed a joint statement on the results of the first conference on transit cooperation.

    After two days of discussions, representatives of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Iran signed a statement on Sunday, October 9, with the aim of developing cooperation in the field of transit, the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reports.

    After signing the statement, the Minister of Roads and Urban Development of Iran Rostam Ghasemi said that the conference was held on the initiative of the Islamic Republic, since transit is a defining issue, given the situation in the region.

    "The conference will be held every six months," he said, noting that ministers and other representatives of the participating countries have made constructive decisions to promote coordination and cooperation in the field of transit and transport.

    According to the Iranian Minister, the participating states of the conference stressed the need to develop transit, unify tariffs and issue annual visas for transit drivers.

    Speaking about the deadline for the implementation of the joint statement and its details, Ghasemi noted that the transit of goods is of great importance for the administration of Raisi. "Iran is determined to facilitate the transit of goods with countries with which we have not been connected in recent years," he stressed.

    Taking into account the existing infrastructure and transport opportunities on the territory of the countries, as well as regional and international markets and trade exchanges, including exports, imports and transit of Central Asian countries with non-regional countries through Iran, it is possible to triple current productivity in the medium term. "We can increase the transit of goods up to 20 million cargoes," he concluded.