VAT benefits for some goods and services will be abolished in Uzbekistan

    In focus 19 September 2024 1263

    The Decree of the President "On amendments and additions, as well as the invalidation of certain acts of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan providing for the provision of tax and customs benefits" (UP No. 140 dated 09/18/2024) was adopted.

    According to the Decree, from January 1, 2025:

    value-added tax benefits for the turnover of passenger transportation services at uniform tariffs implemented by legal entities, the only participants of which are public associations of persons with disabilities, will be abolished;

    the benefit in the form of exemption from payment of land tax from legal entities for lands on which new plantings of orchards, vineyards and mulberry groves have been made will be canceled, the tax rate on these land plots will be reduced by 50 percent.