What kind of breakfast improves brain function before the exam?

    Healthcare 4 June 2024 887

    When preparing for exams, it is important to remember that you should not forget about the rules of a healthy life. Namely: do not stay up until night, get enough sleep and eat right. It is important to remember here that hunger causes nervous exhaustion much faster, and overeating leads to the fact that the body spends all its energy on digestion, and not on assimilation of information.

    What to eat for breakfast before exams?

    In principle, meals should be regular: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Portions should be adequate, and a sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins and vegetable fats should be present in the diet. Good foods help you focus better during the day and sleep better at night, as well as reduce anxiety levels.

    Before the exam, you need to have dinner with dishes from starchy foods: pasta, rice, potatoes and bread are high in calories, easily digested and will help you sleep peacefully. At night, if desired, you can drink a glass of warm milk, preferably with honey (if you do not have allergies).

    In the morning, you need to drink a glass of water at room temperature, and then have breakfast with foods high in easily digestible protein and fiber: eggs, beans, oatmeal with honey. You can eat bananas, nuts, raisins, dried apricots, pineapple, fruit or milkshake.

    Cocoa beans have a beneficial effect on the brain. A slice of bitter chocolate or a cup of cocoa perfectly helps to cope with mental tasks.

    Just before the exam, do not forget to drink a few sips of water. By the way, you can drink both plain water and green tea.