Leather and shoe products from Uzbekistan: a new way to India

    Business 28 April 2022 1512

    International Industrial Exhibition "INNOPROM. Central Asia" has become a useful platform for representatives of the leather and footwear industry of our country to conduct dialogues and conclude new export contracts.

    Within the framework of this event, the management of the Uzcharmsanoat Association met with representatives of the Indian company Solar Trans. The topic of the negotiations is the establishment of exports to India of domestic leather and shoe products, in particular, semi-finished leather (WET-BLUE).

    During the meeting, Indian businessmen noted that the potential of Uzbekistan in the leather and footwear industry is growing from year to year, and today the quality of products under the national brand has reached a new level. The company from India is a trading house that supplies raw materials and finished products not only for the country's own needs, but also to the Russian market. The guests took the initiative to purchase primary processing sheepskin (WET-BLUE) from Uzbekistan to India.

    The Uzcharmsanoat Association expressed its readiness to establish cooperation in this area with partners from India. It was decided to develop a concrete action plan for negotiations with our local companies. Leather products made in Uzbekistan will soon go to India.